Jornee was designed to cater solo travelers, who enjoy the freedom of travelling and also enjoy shareing variety activities with friends.
An elevated travel experience
The Challenge
Since the pandemic started we are so used to meeting people over virtual space, the introduction of a new travel experience required a reinvention of bridging the gap between modern technology and face-to-face interaction, and this project presented a well thought-after strategy to create an experience that both secure and intuitive.
My Role
This case study first began as a communal project of 3 UX designers and later turned individual project due to time constraints, and we decided to work on the partial flow of the case study.

I led the data analysis from the research phase and continue with the design strategy of this development.

In addition, I worked on the prototype for the final deliverables.

From the initial concept of this product to the final deliverables was 3 weeks.
Mobile Application
User Research
UI Design
Interaction Design
User Testing
Mobile Application
Flexible Component Library
Deside Rationale
Digital Roadmap
The problem we're facing is to create a reliable and safe bond.

As the user is given an option to connect with other travelers around the region, how do we create user verification for a safe connection.

Define Scope
Based on recent statistics that the common danger with online socializing activities include not limited to wrong intention, privacy concerns and seeking validation from others, having these in mind help me narrow my scope down to the pure essence of creating a healthy socializing environment.

My design will address the engagement and safety concerns for users. Through my scope I want to understand the frustration and motivation to use socializing app, using empathetic research findings to shape my design choices.

Target Users
- Travelers who want to meet others while traveling

"What can be done to improve the safety when verifying a users?"

Research & Findings

Research, Findings & InsightsResearch goal: 
- Determine factors that make the connectivity safe for users
- Users' social habits

I surveyed over 50 participants on how they meet new people and their concerns, what I found gives insightful data for directing my design.
What we found on how people meet, the majority are still from mutual friends, as to gain a deeper understanding of what's the reason behind, 1-to-1 interviews were conducted.
What are the concerns when meeting new people in both online and offline connections?

Safety without a doubt the first concern when comes to meeting new people, followed by personality and intention also a major issue with meeting strangers.
Complete Research Plan


The ProblemSolo travelers are open to find out who's traveling in the area at the same time as them, by knowing this pieces of information, they can possibly make a connection and may even exchange travel experiences.

What if users can look up in the app who's traveling in the region, and if you would like, to connect with one of them and explore the city.

Statistic shows over 40 million people use meetup apps, and the number keeps increasing, and predicted the number will be over 50 million users in 2025, the call for a  healthy environment for the meetup is crucial.

The high-level goal: 

1. Make a easy to use interface
2. Make the friend connectivity reliable
3. Create a platform for deeper engagement
Ideation w/ Affinity DiagrammingI used affinity diagramming to narrow down feasible solutions consider the benefits and limitations of them.

I wanted to design a social experience where users are confident about connecting to new users.
Solutions has coming into the pictures will include below feature into the interface: 
- biometric facial verticiaton
- video intro
- include more filters to funnel for better match
PersonaTo better understand and think like a user, a persona was established. Jenn, a photographer who often travels for work, needs to quickly draft a travel plan to avoid trip hiccups.

Jenn's concerns are often around safety measures in airlines & new cities, especially during the pandemic.
User JourneyI mapped out a route for a mock user with travel goals, and list out as many pain points as possible that she may come across, which lead to a possible opportunity for a new feature.

Competitor Analysis

Flow & Information Architecture

Proposed FlowBefore the wireframe started, I mapped out what would the flow looks like and created a road map of what to expect after the splash screen in a nutshell.

It shows 2 flows after the profile is created, during the interview, I noticed users are more geared toward browsing and learning how to use the app than its functionality, to keep the engagement of the experience, I offer levels of connection flows while causal users can quickly set it up and if they're ready, a more serious profile creation will come into play to start a conversation connection.

Also as to users safety, multiple verifications is needed.

Wireframing & Prototyping

Wireframe 1st round of wireframe was created to test out the flow.
Objective To get feedbacks on interface functionality & efficiency.
Target Users:- Travels who had used dating & travel booking app
- Users who have no experience with either travel app or dating app

Usability Testing

User Testing
As I was creating the wireframes, there are a few questions just flash through my mind and felt they're questions worth exploring beside the functionality of the app: 

1. How would users feel about the facial recognition?

2. How much personal information will be efficient to verify a person is enough?

3. How much of information is too much?
Users felt the app was engaging and straightforward, however a few steps were giving our testers a difficult time during the verification phrase.

" I'm ok with the video intro and feel it's reasonable, but the facial recognition is a too much info. to give off. "

While some users felt facial recognition is too much info. to give off, in the contrary some users felt it's a valid action to gain insight of a total stranger.
Regarding to how much is too much personal information to give off is really depend on who is asking for the piece of info.

" I'll be more comfortable to provide this level of secure information (ID verification) "

Initially I thought that verticate with a real ID such as driver license is nothing as even for a library card or set up a mobile phone account that is what needed, little did I realize that of course users will be comfortable to provide this if the app is issued by governmental organization.
How much information is consider efficient to know a person? The answer can be quite vague, it should be as much aspects and is a case by case scenario.

" From a total stranger to someone I can give him/her my number to, the route can't be measure, it depends on what my intention is."

Design Aesthetic

Color & Icons


Prototype Please enjoy this clicking prototype and if you have any suggestion, please feel free and share, and it is greatly appreciated 😀