
We are a team of 3 UX designers and predominated of the group has never had a tattoo, we wanted to explore the idea of trying out a tattoo without the pain by integrating the Augmented Reality.

We felt this can be a solution for not only people with no tattoo experience but also for those who want to get a new tattoo.

  • UX Researcher
  • UX | UI Designer
  • Design Strategist
  • 4 weeks (Co-working Project)
  • Miro
  • Adobe XD
  • Google Drive
  • Photoshop
UX Techniques:
  • User Interview & Data Analysis
  • User Persona
  • User Flow & Journey
  • Wireframe
  • Clickable Prototype


We want to understand the thinking behind users' minds when the word tattoo comes up, and what factors affect users when deciding to get a tattoo.

For people who are interested in getting a tattoo, when comes to finalizing a design can be difficult, especially if it is their first tattoo, how might we lessen their frustration?

User Research

We formulated 20 interview questions targeting users from age 18 - 35, we would like to get feedback on what can help users come to their tattoo designs easier since InkOn is more geared toward first-time tattoos, and participants with tattoos, their feedback is just as valuable to the research, therefore we reached out to both groups.

We studied the topics in various perspectives, pre-tattoo, post-tattoo and what tattoo means to a person.

Do you have a tattoo?
What does a tattoo mean to you?

Affinity Map

We conducted 1-to-1 interviews to gather user insight and for behaviors observation. The observation group was a mixture of people who have no tattoos and those who have experienced at least one.  what we found wasn't a surprise, sanitation of course is the most crucial factor when choosing a parlor to go to. 

out of all the data we collected, we decided to draft out the top 4 pains to create the flow: 

1. Level of sanitation
2. Mood board for inspirations
3. Augmented Reality
4. Sharing 


Mila, a 25-year-old creative make-up artist has a lot of friends have tattoos but have always been hesitant in getting one since it’s a lifelong decision.
How might we help her gain confidence in getting her first tattoo and help her find inspiration to design the tattoo.


Feature Priority

Value Proposition

InkOn is the app that helps people find the inspiration and confidence they need to get tattoo. They will also have the ability to create their own design, and test their favorite ideas with our AR+ mode in real time. Once ready, the users will ultimately be able to connect with the tattoo parlors of their choice and set up an appointment for the big day.


User Journey

Compeitor Analysis

To better understand our competitors' strengths and weaknesses in comparison to InkOn and recognize how we can enhance our features.


On top of competitor analysis, we also did SWOT analysis to identify our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to competition or project planning.

User Flow

We've established extensive user flows to illustrator the functionalities of our app and decided on testing on 3 flows that we think are suitable for the initial usability test and before went ahead to have the whole app made up.


The goal is to guide these hesitant users to choose their tattoo by creating a tattoo journey with our app through inspirations, mood boards, and sharing with friends and discuss with tattoo artists.


We sketched out wireframes for chosen flows alongside the features that will go on the app.

User Testing Plan

Through our user testing plan, we were able to identify the hit or misses within our apps.
Through generous feedback we were able to update and our hi-fi prototype so it could be more easily navigated within.


Final Thoughts

We started this project with the idea of creating a tattoo app in which people could try-out their own designs and hope that it would inspire them to get inked. As a team we agreed (and disagreed) on several of the directions and features we wanted to promote. After doing our case studies and understanding what the people would want to see, we turned it into an inspirational app with several interactive features that led to making an appointment at a tattoo parlor and have the satisfaction of a meaningful tattoo. 
We divided our responsibilities fairly and came together to synthesize content and user-flow for our different feature sections. We struggled a little when combining sections due to our differences in style and compromised when discussing app’s functionality. 
Overall, we had a clear view and tried to maintain our user-problem-solution in mind every step of the way. Most importantly we all worked hard and are proud of the final result presented to you today.